car setup or even our competitive position.Could said new home be Williams?Williams confirm Carlos Sainz as ‘number one target’The Grove outfit has made it clear that this is what they want to happen.but it’s good for Formula 1.But speaking to Sky F1 after the race.but I see a lot of confidence from everyone within this organisation.Its going to be a gamble always in which tyre to put in which moment.“Any driver who fails to negotiate Turn 9 or Turn 14 and passes completely to the left of the orange apex kerb must keep completely to the left of the orange block/bollard on the exit of the corner and re-join the track at the far end of the asphalt run-off.“I wont give him the time of day but all those people can suck itI havent been back in the garage yet.he said: “What happened is that I was asked to let Pierre go with two laps to catch Daniel who was two and a half seconds in front.

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